Just looking at the title of this post, what was the first thing that came to your mind? Think about that for a brief moment. The reason why this particular post is entitled, “Women’s Bible Study” is because not only do I believe that Christian women should be plugged into one, I also believe that we need to consider hosting one (as the Lord leads you of course).
This is all a part of helping to fulfill The Great Commission. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He told His disciples, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations…teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this; I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19 & 20)
We are those new disciples. We have a role in this! Count it a privilege, sis. I know, I am!
So in this week’s post, I’m going to highlight a few different ways of how to stay connected to a Women’s Bible Study, but also what making disciples can look like for any woman, anywhere. Here goes…
Women’s Bible Study – Are you connected to one in your church or community? If you are, keep growing sister! If not, I would encourage you to pray and ask the Lord to show you which study to attend. It’s no pressure at all here, but I will tell you, it’s pretty awesome! You not only grow in your faith, knowledge, and wisdom, but also in fellowship. It’s amazing the new friendships you can make through it, but also the freedom that takes place in so many areas. Often times, there’s transparent moments, group engagement, life-changing spiritual nuggets that you grab, and personal reflection. It’s just a great way to stay connected to other believing women.
Online Bible Study – With social media blowing up in recent years, you can take advantage of an online Bible study. More and more women are using this method, because it reaches women beyond their own community or circle of friends and there are various studies in various groups (in regards to Facebook). So do a search! See if one fits what you might need in this season and grow.
Book Club Bible Study – This could be fun! I know a couple of women who have book clubs. This is all about picking a book that everyone agrees to read and then let the reading begin! Normally, after either reading the first chapter, everyone in the club meet up to discuss what they’ve read or learned from that particular chapter. Or they’ll have a month to read the whole book, and then come together for a game night and discuss it over food, fellowship, and games surrounding the book. There are so many ways to do this one! Look up a few ideas when you have some time, if you’re looking to either be a part of one or create one.
One-On-One Bible Study – This is a type of Women’s Bible Study you can either do with another woman over coffee or tea or choose to mentor someone. You can do a topical study or just read one Book of the Bible at a time. This method could be life-changing for both parties! It gives both of you priceless wisdom, mutual understanding of Scripture, accountability, and an opportunity to keep each other lifted in prayer right there on the spot (not that you can’t pray in a group setting). It’s just interpersonal.
Leadership Bible Study – Leaders need this! Especially today! More and more leaders are burning out, giving up, overextended, exhausted, and giving into sexual immorality. We need accountability, encouragement, spiritual refreshing, mature mentorship, a daily prayer life, and consistent time in Bible Study both personal, and now I would add Leadership Bible Study. If you are a leader, take care of yourself and keep growing in your walk with Christ, but also in maintaining your personal integrity. I’m very passionate about the area of leadership, because more and more women are becoming actively involved in ministry and taking on leadership roles (whether online or offline). So if there is a Bible Study that you can attend or create, go for it! Stay strong as a leader, sis.
Hosting a Bible Study – Ever thought about hosting a Bible Study in your church for women or in your community or home? Remember, this is all about growing as a disciple and then going and making disciples. Sort of the “grow and go” kind of thing! So pray about it. See if God may want you to host one. He may want to use you in this way to make disciples and help women grow in their faith in your area or circle of friends. In the meantime, pray about a topic as well. Research some ideas on how to host a Women’s Bible Study. It can happen with youth, young adult women, one on one (as I talked about earlier), college students, or women whom you simply invite to come out from your job or community. Be creative! This can be fun, but ultimately life-giving and life-changing for many!
Bible Study at Home with your Children – Yep! Discipleship starts at home. Do you have children? Do you have a daughter? In either case, as a mom (woman), you can disciple your child or children. As I mentioned in a previous post for Mother’s Day, we are a great influence to our kids and we play a vital role in their natural and spiritual development. We not only train them for the real world when they leave our homes, but we are primarily called to train them up in the way that they should go as Proverbs 22:6 states.
This can be done through sitting on the sofa reading the Bible to your children or teenager(s). It can also include taking them for a bonding day, while you talk about spiritual topics of today or from the Old Testament & New Testament. If your children are older, you can encourage them (whether male or female to get connected to a weekly Bible Study to continue growing in the faith). In addition, if you have an older daughter, you might even consider doing a Bible Study with her weekly over the phone, Skype, or together at a coffee shop (if she’s local). These are just a few suggestions. This is making disciples…at home.
Personal Bible Study – Don’t forget about you! You are a woman! So do a personal Bible Study alone. This is great during your devotion time. Also, the Christian bookstores like Lifeway, Mardel’s, Christianbook.com, and even Barnes & Noble and Amazon (Kindle/Nook) have tons of books and Bible studies that you can purchase and start growing on your own. Some of them are 4-week/6-week/10 week studies. You can even find some free ones online! This all helps with consistent growth, deliverance, strength, wisdom, and encouragement. Loaded good stuff!!!
Personally, I love Women’s Bible Study. I love actually studying the Bible period. That’s what we’re supposed to be doing anyway, right? So while we have the fellowship, food, or a hot cup of coffee or tea alone, let us not forget why we’re truly doing it in the first place. The big idea is to keep growing whether individually or with a group of women.
With all of this being said, I believe as Christian women, we all need to keep growing in fellowship, discipleship, and especially study time in God’s Word. If not, we’ll get stagnated or stale in our walk with Christ, our lights will begin to grow dim, and not to mention, we’ll start acting, what I like to call, fleshy. That’s why it’s so important that we not only maintain fellowship with other believers, but that we stay fresh and abreast on what God’s Word says. Remember, it’s our daily bread (instruction, provision, encouragement, etc.).
So let’s stay connected to the Vine. And as we stay connected to the Vine, let’s also stay connected to one another. Hebrews 10:25 encourages, “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”
Remember, Jesus is coming back soon. And those who endure unto the end, shall be saved. So let’s get ready from the Inside Out!
QUESTION: Which Bible Study method (that was mentioned in this week’s blog post) hit home for you the most? Also, are you connected to a local Bible Study right now? Interested in hosting one? Let me know here or email me directly at insideoutwithcourtnaye@gmail.com regarding these questions or if you simply need prayer. Looking forward to hearing from you!
ALSO, just want to encourage you to grab my NEW book, “IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ & Moving Forward in Your Purpose!” ORDER IT TODAY right here on Amazon.com! And if you already have it and have read it, please give me a REVIEW on Amazon.com. Thanks so much in advance.
*Tune in every Monday at 7:30am for new posts, “Like” my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/InsideOutWCourtnaye), and follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/InOutwCourtnaye. Also, share this blog with friends, family, co-workers, or your women’s group or ministry. I’d love to stay connected and help more women grow in the Lord! Thanks again and may God be with you!
Hi Courtnaye,
This was just a confirmation for me. A couple of weeks ago. I had spoke to a really good childhood friend and she mentioned this and I had agreed to do it. which we haven’t yet (well I didn’t anyway) but it’s just confirmation for me to get on it and do it. So I thank you so much for the emails. They are always coming on time and hitting home and or my spiritual life.
One of my sister’s in Christ had, had bible study at my house a couple of times. So all in a nut shell I need to get back to it. Again thanks we need this as women. It’s so hard to bring women together because it’s so much competition and it should’t be especially in Christ.
Be Blessed Sister
Awesome Sis!!! So glad this post ministered to you and confirmed things for you! Praise God! I hope you’ve gotten started in your community and influence of women! It’s never too late! Be encouraged and MOVE!
Your Sister in Christ…Courtnaye