I would say that this is a pretty important question. I was thinking about writing something else this morning, but then the Lord quickened me. As I was about to begin writing, I heard a still small voice whisper to me, “There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” I thought, “Whoa! That’s pretty powerful.” I want to tell you that this is an actual Scripture, and it’s found in Proverbs 14:12. It jolted me enough to realize that this is what He wants His precious daughters to know today. So it’s not by chance that you’re reading this post. It’s actually a God-ordained appointment. With that being said, let me ask you this question again. As it relates to doing the will of God, are you on the right track?
Let’s go a little bit deeper into what this Scripture is really saying. A lot of times, we can get caught up thinking, dreaming, planning, and even conjuring up grand ideas in our minds that we think are the greatest thing on earth to do. BUT, we have to stop and think, “Wait a minute, what does God say about this?” If we don’t have a “Selah” moment (pause and consider), then we really could be gearing up to go 100 miles per hour in the wrong direction - which will throw us totally off track from doing the will of God.
I’ve been there before. One day about a few months ago, I was sitting outside my house reading, and then all of sudden, I got this great idea about doing something totally awesome! I just knew that it would be an amazing thing to do…all in the name of the Lord, right? But then as I was about to begin planning it all out, I looked down into my Bible that was sitting on my lap and it read, “There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” I immediately realized that I was about to attempt to go full speed ahead into something without consulting the Lord for what He really wanted for me. The kicks part about it was that I knew that I’m supposed to consult God first before moving on anything! I learned this through the book of Joshua (Check it out…it’s a great book in the Bible). So anyway, this Scripture really quickened me. And after chewing on it for awhile, I began to really pray and seek God for His will and not my own. And I experienced amazing peace.
Our lives are not our own. We’ve been bought with a very high price…Jesus Christ. Even when Jesus came, He did not come on His own. Yet, He came to do the will of His Father. And thank God He didn’t do His own thing, or we’d be in some hot trouble. But seriously, that’s how we have to look at our own lives. What we do for the Lord will last. Always keep this in mind…when you’re thinking about doing something outside of His will remember this Scripture, “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul.” (Mark 9:36)
So don’t measure or weigh your success by a job or career or how much money you make. And don’t get caught up on all that is in the world like the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, because none of this is from the Father, yet it’s from the world (see 1John 2:16). Instead, measure it by the most important scale ever…God’s Word and His will. Consider what He really wants you to do with your life? And I believe that when you do this, you'll experience a genuine sense of His peace in your spirit to move forward in Him.
I want to close this post by asking again…are you on the right track? Are you flowing in the will of God? If you’re doing what you know God is calling you to do, I think that is great! However, if you’re not really sure that you’re doing the will of God right now or walking towards your purpose, pray and ask the Lord to reveal it to you clearly. He’s faithful to answer in His perfect timing. And when He does reveal it to you, the next step would be to follow Him step by step as it unfolds day by day while trusting Him. He has a plan for your life. Just always remember that it’s His plan. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you; plans for a hope and a future.” Trust that, my sister. That’s His Word.
Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s get ready from the Inside Out!
*Thanks for reading! Feel absolutely free to ask a question or leave a comment. Tune in every Monday at 7:30am for new posts! And don’t forget to “Like” me on Facebook and share it with friends. I’d love to stay connected and help more women grow in the Lord! Amen![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
Dear courtnaye,
this is very important and useful for a woman who wants to be a good woman on the right track.
Honestly, your article makes me thinking back and ask to my self again. Thank you for this great article.
Amen! And yes, so true! Continue growing in Him Karina and thanks for your encouraging comments! I appreciate it.
I really am seeking Gods face, I know that I got WAY off the course for his will for my life or I was on it and possibly gave up because the resistance was so hard.. I am not sure, but I thank you for this post and ask for you to maybe pray with me that God show me his will for my life and what he wants me to be doing. Thank you so much for this.. Nadine.
Hi Nadine. Thanks for sharing this. I’ve been there, where I got off course for a little while. But the key is to go back to that place where you messed up or veered off a bit. He is faithful to show you or prompt you by His Spirit where to get back into the center of His will. Sometimes weariness comes, or the pressure gets really thick and you want to take a break or stop. BUT…we have to keep reminding ourselves that God is for us and that His word says, “Be not weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not (don’t give up). I have been praying for you sis. I encourage you to keep seeking His Face, and the more you do, the more His perfect will and purpose for your life will be revealed. And when He shows you, stay the course step by step…even when it gets hard. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Hi courtnaye,
Thank you for this post. I’m in transition in this moment trying to figure out what, where and when to change careers. I have been to over hundreds of interviews, never to get the offer. I prayed and pleaded then somehow ended up with the thought and desire to go back to school. I reaserched and even enrolled in one school. During orientation I just couldn’t get out of there fast enough. That advisor insisted I go for business. The desire grew stronger than one day a Christian University called me (out of the blue) and asked me if I ever questioned what God has planned for me and if I ever desired going back to school. I’m currently enrolled and am 60 credits away from having my BA in psychology. I don’t what, how, why, or even when but sometimes you just have to stop and get out of the way and let God do his thing.
Please pray for me that I am on the right track and if so that I succeed. His will not mine.
Thank you so much