Personal Reflection

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Time for a selfie moment! But in a different way than we typically do it. I'm talking about a moment when you go inside and self-reflect. Meaning, a moment when you take time to look at your personal life – your inner, behind the scenes life and examine it according to the truth of God's word. A moment when you ask yourself, “Am I living the very word that I read and listen to in my [...]


Take A Love Break

By Inside Out with Courtnaye For starters, this is a play on words, of course. But I think it has significant meaning for the busy lives that many of us lead, today. The angle that I’m taking is really all about taking an intentional pause from all of the busyness and realizing that people whom you love, need to feel your love. Yet, there are also other people such as co-workers, sisters in Christ, and strangers you encounter who could benefit from your [...]


Nothing Is Impossible with God

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Have you seen this line of Scripture posted on refrigerator magnets, bumper stickers, coasters, wall art, or online? Is this one of your favorite verses? This Scripture can mean so much in a time when you need it the most. It’s actually one of my favorites! In this post, I want to dig a little deeper into its context. I think this will help you appreciate it even more for the season you’re in! To gain [...]


Finding Joy Through Hardship

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I’ll be the first to admit that maintaining your joy is not easy when life’s disappointments, tests and trials beat up against you. A part of you wants to go into isolation, be angry, depressed, and sad, but God doesn’t want us to go into those dark emotions. Instead, He wants us to renew our focus and trust Him for the overall outcome when we face hardships in life. Most of us know that “joy” is [...]


Sexual Purity for Women

I believe it’s time to have this discussion. I can honestly say that I haven’t written on this topic before in such depth, but I felt led to do so at this time. God knows why. So if you’re reading this right now (whenever you clicked onto this post), I believe that our good Lord has you on His mind and heart. He loves you and wants to deposit something to you in His own special and loving way. With that [...]


Living the Life of Christianity

Hello Kingdom Woman! If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior (today or for a while now), that is exactly who you are. Amen! So, believe it and own it. Next, after salvation, is the Living the Life of Christianity part. And that’s what I’m going to be talking about in this week’s post. Let me start off by saying that this will NOT be a legalistic approach, instead a biblical one. Thank God I’ve learned and know the [...]


Conquering Complaining

Yes! I am so glad that you clicked onto this link! If you are here right now, then you, I, and GOD (for that fact) all know that you want to be delivered and set free from this negative emotion. And that is a GREAT thing! So, let’s talk about conquering a complaining attitude. The best way to start is with the Word of God. It has been my lifeline for life-change, and it will do the same for you if you apply [...]


Speaking the Word

Last week, I talked about studying the Bible. This week, we're going a little further. I believe all of us need to be reminded of this one. Unfortunately, we can get so caught up in our daily to-do-lists that we forget when a pop quiz, test, or trial comes our way, we have to be ready to conquer it! However, if we’re not trained by having our reservoir of Scriptures at hand, then it will be pretty hard to win. So that’s [...]


How to Study the Bible

When I put out a mini request for what topics my reading audience would like me to write about, I received a good bit of responses. This particular topic was the largest response! And I am not surprised. I’m actually super elated about this - and I know God is even more than me! Now, if you didn’t submit your topic, it’s okay, because I think this topic can help everyone across the board, including me. So in this fresh post, [...]


Your Thoughts This Week

For starters, I actually want to know your thoughts this week on topics that you would like to learn more about. I’m going to be working on fresh new blog posts for you, and I want to hear from my readers on what you actually need. I’ll give you a few topics to start with, but I’d also like to know your thoughts as well. Here are a few sample topics… 1.) Conquering Complaining 2.) How to Know Your Calling 3.) [...]

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