Standing On the Promises of God

By Inside Out with Courtnaye There comes a time in all of our lives, when we need to rely heavily on what God’s Word says over tough circumstances, people, our own emotions, and especially our great enemy, Satan. It’s usually a time when we feel like hope is losing ground, faith is a little shaken, and we feel so broken that we can't seem to find our way through it all…and quite frankly, we wonder where is God in it all? Have you [...]


Following God’s Vision

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I’m going start this post with a question. Has God given you a vision to do something? It could be something He’s shown or revealed to you in the past or recently. If so, what is that vision? Think about it. Ponder it. And trust Him to lead you step by step on how to fulfill it. He’s faithful to do so. I want to add here that God will never give you a vision without showing you [...]


Getting Anger Under Control

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I’m going to start this post by saying that everyone gets angry at some point in time or another. It’s inevitable. It happens. It could be anything from getting angry with the kids for misbehaving or becoming disrespectful, to your husband not responding the way you would like, your boss or leader not giving you the promotion, or someone hurting you or saying or doing something that upset you. The truth is, we all get angry at times, [...]


Check Out the Commands of Christ

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Remember when Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commands.” It’s found in John 14:15. But before we dive into what those commands are, remember that the Bible teaches us in 1 John 5:3, “Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome.” They are not burdensome. So, what you are about to check out is not legalistic, man-made rules, but pulled from the word of God, actually from the mouth of Jesus Christ, [...]


Preparing for God-Given Assignments

By Inside Out with Courtnaye At this time, do you think or believe that God has given you an assignment? If so, what is it? Are you preparing for it? And in what ways? That’s what I’m going to help you focus on this week from a biblical and practical perspective. So, let’s get started. For starters, there were many in the Bible we can quickly trace back to such as Noah who was given the assignment of building the ark. Moses who [...]


Watch Out for Burnout

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Whether you’re experiencing this now or have in the past, when burnout threatens your life, you’ll know. It’s that feeling of complete exhaustion, extreme pressure, and downright overload all wrapped into one as you press to do what needs to be done. It’s like you’re driving 100 miles per hour in the fast lane, knowing that if you don’t slow down you’re going to crash and probably hurt other people in the process! So I caution you…don’t burnout! [...]


How to Have A Productive Week

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Are you looking to get more done and still be able to connect with God? If so, then I think you’re going to benefit from this post. Most of us have a lot to do, and finding the time and stamina to get a good bit of it done (because we hardly ever get it ALL done) will take prayer, planning, focus, and effort. So, let’s dive into how to have a productive week. For starters, God wants [...]

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