Managing Motherhood and Ministry

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I get asked this question often enough, “Courtnaye, how do you balance it all?” To be honest, it’s not easy managing motherhood and blogging, writing books, singing, speaking, and coaching (which are all a part of my ministry work). Like many women, sometimes I get really overwhelmed and want to throw up my hands, cry, or take a long ride or extremely long shower. But I will tell you, I love what I do! It’s the joy of [...]


Hot Topics

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Hey sis, I want to hear from you! This week's new post is all about hearing from you regarding topics that YOU would like to learn more about from a biblical and practical perspective. This will help me to bring you more relevant content. So, from the list provided below, as well as your own topics, please let me know your thoughts... What would you like to read more on... 1.) Overcoming Anxiety and Depression 2.) How to [...]


When Fear Grips You

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I want to start this post off by saying, God is with you. He promises in His word that He will never leave you nor forsake you. And remember Jesus’ words before He ascended into heaven, “For I will be with you always, even unto the end of the age.” So, no matter what you’re thinking about or experiencing right now, when fear grips you, remember these promises, my sister. From personal experience, knowing this helps me to settle [...]


10 Ways to Help the Poor & Needy this Year

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Whatever year that you’re reading this, I promise you, it’s on time. I believe God is calling you and I to pause, pray, and act upon ways to help the poor and needy this year. And I know life gets busy, sis. Trust me. I know. But people in our world who are lost, alone, hungry, homeless, and without the basic needs of the day simply need to know that someone out there, cares about their well-being. And as [...]


Conquering Interruptions

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Oh, my goodness! Have you ever encountered constant interruptions when you’re trying to spend time alone with God? I don’t know about you, but I know this happens to me sometimes. I mean everything starts coming to mind about what I need to do for that day and beyond. And before you know it, my day is gone! Honestly, I think this is becoming more prevalent in today’s day and culture, because just about everyone is so busy [...]


Who’s In Your Inner Circle

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Do you have a group of women who you can share life with and grow with along the way in your Christian journey? Do you surround yourself with women who will encourage you, inspire you, listen to you, and hold you accountable when you’re doing something that you know deep down, you shouldn’t be thinking about or acting upon? Do you have an inner circle, and if so, who’s in it? Before I go deeper into this post, [...]


How to Tell the Devil NO!

By Inside Out with Courtnaye If you are a Christian woman, then I know that you are well aware that we have a great enemy out there who is ready to devour us, any chance he can get. Right? Right. But here’s the thing, sis. When he presents his strategies and schemes as the Bible warns, how good are you at telling him, “No!” Remember, Satan is the father of lies, a deceiver, and he’s an enemy of God and all who love [...]


Deep Cleaning the Heart

By Inside Out with Courtnaye If you clicked onto this post, then I want to say right from the start, you go sis! And the reason being, is because I know this is not an easy thing to do. Just like taking on any deep cleaning project like your house or office, it will take effort. The effort in this case however, will be to allow the Lord to search your heart to see if there is anything in it at this time [...]


List 3 Life-Changers for 2019

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Hey Sis, Happy New Year to you! If you're reading this today, which is Monday, December 31st, GREAT! But if you're reading it New Year's Day or beyond, this post will still apply. I have to say that I am really looking forward to 2019! How about you? Are you looking for God to answer some much needed and anticipated prayer requests from you. If so, have you wrote them out in 2018? How about re-listing them now? [...]


The Gift of Time

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I would venture to say that time is a gift from God. And I don’t know about you, but I’m grateful for it. I actually need it to do all that is required of me in a 24-hour day and in my life. But I also desire it to do the things that I enjoy. How about you? Do you see time as a gift from God? The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:16, ‘Making the best use [...]

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