Eat Humble Pie: Having a Gentle & Quiet Spirit

As God prepares to advance you, do great things in your life, bring you to another level in Him, or make changes in your situation, you will need to learn how to humble yourself in tough situations. And not just you, but I’m learning this vital principle too. God can’t use the proud. He actually hates the stench of pride and arrogance. But on the other hand, He can do amazing things in a person who exemplifies and possesses a spirit of humility. And that’s [...]


I Surrender…

As we draw closer to the end of this age, we have to come to the realization that our lives are really not our own. As Christians, we have been bought with a price…a very high one. Jesus had a purpose and He stopped at nothing to lay His life down for you and me. And now, it’s our turn. Think about that for a moment. Are you willing to stop at nothing to fulfilling all that God has purposed you to do? Because if [...]


Be a Wise Bride: The Soon Return of Christ

I almost titled this post, “Becoming a Wise Bride.” But then I was quickened by the Holy Spirit that it wouldn’t be quite accurate. You see, the Bible warns us to BE ready when Christ returns. We can’t be found thinking about it, dreaming about it, talking about it, or just hoping for it. Yet, we have to be found faithful, wise, and full of oil in our lamps as we wait for the soon return of Christ. Some of you reading this have either [...]


Remain Faithful

I asked the Lord, “What should I write this week?” And He showed me ever so clearly…“Give them a word of encouragement.” Right after He answered, I looked down into my Bible and I saw the words from Acts 13:15, “Brothers, if you have a word of encouragement for us, come and give it to us!” CONFIRMATION! Don’t you love it when God does that! I often say, “He knows exactly what we need when we need it.” So here goes sis…the word of encouragement [...]


Managing Your Soul (Your Mind, Will, and Emotions)

Buckle up ladies, because we’re about to go for a roller coaster ride! But brace yourself, because at some point on this ride, we will come to an immediate stop. Personally, I love roller coasters…absolutely love them, but NOT the emotional kind. Unfortunately as women, we face so many ups and downs, highs and lows, twist and turns that sometimes makes you want to scream STOP! Don’t you wish there was an emergency button that you could just hit on yourself to halt the emotional [...]


When God Wants All of You

As women, we have a lot of roles and we wear many hats. If we are married or desire to be married, we have the responsibility of being a loving, respectful, and submissive wife. If we have children or desire them, we have the job of nurturing, raising, and training them up in the way that they should go. And if we have jobs, whether at home or outside the home, then we have to find the proper balance in juggling it all, right? I [...]


New Level, New Devil

Whenever you are about to embark upon something new in your life, then you’ll have to get ready to experience some warfare. Stepping out into new territory can bring added pressure, unexpected issues, doubtful thoughts, and the list can go on and on. The vital key here is pausing and recognizing, “Wait, I’m stepping onto a new level, so I have to expect that there will be a new devil.” What this means is that as God opens new doors for you, then you’ll need [...]


Church, Church, Church

Where are you as it relates to the title of this post? Do you have a church home, are you content or excited about going to church, are you church hopping, or are you tired of going to church? It’s important to know where you are, especially in the current times that we’re living in. The reason why these questions are so important to ask is because Jesus Christ is coming back again soon! And guess what sis? He’s coming back for a church without [...]


Preparation for Success: Overcoming Obstacles

Do you want to be successful in everything that you do? I would imagine so. I mean, who really wants to fail, right? However, whether we’re doing or preparing for what God has called us to do, we definitely want God to bless our efforts. I know that I certainly do. But with that being said, as we do this, we have to understand that we will experience some unexpected obstacles every now and then. Yes, they will try to get in our way to [...]


Humility: The Road Less Traveled

I hope you’ve buckled up for this one, because we’re about to go for a ride! But let me caution you that there will be some dips, tunnels, steep hills, and bumps along the way, because talking about humility is a tough point. However, if you stick with it, I believe you’ll learn some practical tips on how to experience God’s best through humbling yourself. So without further delay, hold on tight and let’s get ready to ride down this road that’s definitely less traveled. [...]

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