Eat the Word

Some of you reading this might be saying, “What?!” LOL! I know! But it’s a real expression. God actually told Ezekiel, “Eat the scroll.” What He was telling him was to eat what He was giving him, so that he would not only have the word for himself, but that he would eat it so he could give the people a message from the Lord. So it may sound weird, maybe, but it’s actually a biblical principle. And today, God is telling us to do [...]


When the Pressure Is On!

When the pressure is on, how do you respond? Do you respond sweet in your spirit, or do you respond with anger, frustration, crying, or throwing a fit or things? Do you lash out at others or become overly emotional? Or do you just get quiet and let your mind go crazy inside with evil thoughts? Last question… do you sometimes act out of character? It’s okay to be honest. This is between you and God and He wants to help you. When you’re under [...]


How to Handle Disappointments

If you’ve clicked onto this post, then evidently you want to know how to handle or overcome disappointments. And I totally understand! Because I’ve had my share. For starters, when disappointment strikes, it usually feels like an immediate let down. You may even get a weak feeling in your stomach, or want to cry, or want to go into a mini state of depression. The dictionary actually describes it as a feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the defeat of one’s hope or expectations. [...]


Choose Joy

Wherever you are today, choose joy. Whether things are going great or tough, make the conscious choice to choose joy. And please note that joy is not just a happy expression. Instead, it’s something that comes from deep within. It’s also something that’s supernatural. If you’re having a great day, it’s a little easier to express joy, isn’t it? You can put on a smile, laugh easily, and just have a spectacular day. But what about when things are not so great. What about when [...]


Pour Out Your Heart to God

There’s really no other way to put this…we have to have an authentic relationship with God today. What I mean by this is that we have to surpass the action of just “going to church” and press into a more meaningful and deeper relationship with the Lord personally. And I’m not talking about getting up and saying your prayers at night and in the morning and going about your day. Yet, a rich conversation that takes place throughout your everyday life. This means really talking to Him…about [...]


Let God Use You

You were born with gifts and talents. My question today is, “Are you using them or are you burying them?” And if you are using them, are you giving it 100%? And are you using them cheerfully? The reason why these questions are being asked today is because God wants to use you, but He needs your full participation. The Bible tells us in Colossians 3:23-24, “Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for [...]


Preparation for Your Calling

You’ve been placed on this earth for a reason…for a purpose. And God has already been preparing you for a long time for your actual calling. When God calls, He prepares you. He also fully equips you to accomplish His work and will for your life. The key is walking with Him in faith, step by step, and in patience, while He prepares you for your calling. Notice, Jesus didn’t just walk into His purpose. He prepared for it. He started out as a carpenter, [...]


Watch and Pray…

Have you noticed that there is so much going on in the world around us? When we look at the news on TV, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or hear about things that are happening in our local communities, there is so much to be praying for. We also need to be praying for the things that we see happening in our homes, churches, and jobs. It’s so important that we watch and pray in these last days. Jesus knew the importance of prayer. He prayed to [...]


When Anger Strikes…What Do You Do?

I’m going to start this post by saying that everyone gets angry at some point in time or another. It’s inevitable. It happens. It could be anything from getting angry with the kids for misbehaving or becoming disrespectful, to your husband not responding the way you would like, your boss or leader not giving you the promotion, or someone hurting you or saying or doing something that upset you. The truth is, we all get angry at times, because it’s a real emotion and it’s [...]


Take Control of Your Mind

The mind is the devil’s battlefield. When you first wake up in the morning, know that the enemy is right there waiting to plant seeds in your mind with doubt, fear, condemnation, negativity, people, circumstances, and whatever else you’ve been thinking about lately. That’s his job. But when that happens, that’s when you have to be on your job and make a conscious decision to take control of your mind. I know this isn’t always easy, because most of the time, we don’t actually think [...]

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