Fed Up with Anger?

If you live on planet earth, then I know you deal with anger. We all do. The fact is, that God knows that we will get angry sometimes, but how many of you want to truly learn how to get a handle of yourself when it strikes? Are you so fed up with it to the point that you want to get rid of it? That you want to control yourself better? If so, then I would say that you’re absolutely on the right track! [...]


What Are YOU Called to Do? Take the Self-Examination Test

Where are you right now? Do you know your purpose? Do you believe you’re doing what you’re called to do? Or are you still in a place of waiting? These are all questions geared to examine where you are in this season of your life. Things are wrapping up in the world around us and we really need to be walking in our purpose or walking towards it by the time Jesus Christ comes back again. It’s time to get serious and prepare yourself in [...]


Watch Your Offenses!

Have you ever been offended by someone? You’re probably thinking, “Okay Courtnaye, is that a trick question?’ LOL! I know…I know…but I have to ask. Trust me, if you haven’t been offended yet, this post will help you when the time does comes. However, for those who have been through it or are going through it right now, I want to warn you to watch your offenses! I get it! People will say things and do things that can actually hurt, cut like a knife, [...]


Don’t Burnout!

Whether you’re experiencing this now or have in the past, when burnout threatens your life, you’ll know. It’s that feeling of complete exhaustion, extreme pressure, and downright overload all wrapped into one as you press to do what needs to be done. It’s like you’re driving 100 miles per hour in the fast lane, knowing that if you don’t slow down you’re going to crash and probably hurt other people in the process! So I caution you…don’t burnout! I’ve been near burnout before. So I [...]


When You Don’t Understand What God is Doing

Have you ever been in a position in your life, when you just couldn’t figure out what was happening? It’s that place where you just can’t put your finger on what was going on? It’s a time when you just don’t understand what God is doing. Well, if you haven’t been there yet, hold on, because at some point in your life, you’ll get there. But for some of you who are there right now….let’s talk about it. No doubt, this is a tough place [...]


How to Build Strong Christian Relationships

In this post, I’m going to dive right into talking about how to build strong Christian relationships. Because I believe it’s vital that we not only have the right people around us and who support us, but that we do our part in building upon those relationships. Amen! So, I hope and pray that this post helps you in some way! Here goes… Friendships – For starters, I want to tell you that a great way to build upon strong Christian relationships is to choose [...]


Overcoming Fear One THOUGHT at a Time

If you think about it, fear starts in the mind. It’s the “what if” or “I don’t know what I would do if” factor. Of course there are many more starter factors depending on what you’re dealing with, but hopefully you’re catching the point. A lot of it starts in the mind. However, sometimes it can begin to take shape in your life after you’ve experienced a particular incident that scared you. When that happens, it has the potential to start a fierce battle in [...]


Becoming a Woman Who QUICKLY Forgives

Now, you might be saying, “Courtnaye, I know how to forgive.” But then I would respond, “Yes. But do you do it quickly?” That’s the major point here. Listen. I know at times, people can do and say things to you in this life that will make your skin boil. However, we have to be women who will make the conscious effort to QUICKLY forgive, in spite of what others do to us. Let me add a little more weight to this principle. In the [...]


God is Calling You…

God is calling you to win souls for Him. It’s time! Jesus is coming soon and when He comes, He will come quickly. But before He does come, you’ve got to do your part. And since you don’t know when, it’s time to start moving. Jesus told His disciples a long time ago, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.” (Matthew 9:37 NLT). He told them this because as He traveled to different cities, the people’s problems were so great. Matthew 10:36 says, [...]


You Are No Ordinary Woman

Do you have a daily To-Do-List? Do you have a monthly or weekly calendar that you keep up with on a regular basis? Are you running around here and there with either your own schedule and/or your kids’ schedules? Lastly, do you ever feel like there’s just not enough hours in your day? I would know…I’m there! I’ll tell you, just the other week, as I was driving my ten year old daughter to her gymnastics class, the Lord said to me…you are no ordinary [...]

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