How to Make Things Right with Others

Have you ever been offended with anyone or ever felt like someone did you something wrong? If so, how did it make you feel? Were you angry, sad, or just plain hurt? Or what about when you’ve actually been the one to do or say something that could have had the same effect? In either scenario, no matter what, we need to know how to make things right with other people as Christian women. Jesus tells us through Matthew 18:15-16, “If another believer sins against [...]


Finding the Right Friends

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE a good fellowship! And I love good friends! When I was out in the world, me and my friends  just “hung out”. And there’s nothing wrong with hanging out, as long as you’re hanging out with the right people and in the right places. Amen! When I stepped over into the Christian arena, it turned more into fellowship vs. hanging out. And it’s one of the things that I thoroughly enjoy! But let me ask you a [...]


God Knows Where You Are

Sometimes it gets hard when you can’t see what God is doing. Would you agree? It’s that feeling that maybe He has forgotten about you. Or the sunk feeling in your spirit or the doubting question, “Will it ever happen?” Or the heartfelt cry, “Lord, help me to endure, until you move.”  Have you ever felt this way before? And have you ever asked yourself, “Does God know where I am?” Well, I can assure you, that He knows exactly where you are. And me [...]


Nothing Happens Until You Start Moving

If you know that you are supposed to be doing something or you know that God has led you to do something, then I need to ask you this question. What are you waiting for? Get up out of that slumber and get to it! Because guess what? Nothing happens until you start moving. For instance, if you know that you need to start writing that book, business plan, vision, proposal, Christian movie script, blog, song, or To-Do-List, get to it! Because if you don’t [...]


How to Keep Fighting

I have a simple message for you right now, "Endure unto the end." Jesus loves you and He wants you to make it! Now, I want you to really read this upcoming passage of Scripture and think about it, while weighing it to your life. As you read it, I want you to take each line…each sentence and really think about what its saying. Because as we draw closer to the soon return of Christ, we will need to truly know how to fight this [...]


Homosexuality…Where Do You Stand?

I know with the recent news of the Supreme Court ruling affirming same sex marriage (gay rights) has caused a lot of national and international attention, conversation and controversy. Literally, people have been talking about it over their morning coffee, lunch break, dinner table, and social media channels. Am I right? So… my question this week to you as a Christian woman is, “Where do you stand on the issue of homosexuality?” Are you for it or against it? Are you for it if a [...]


How to Stop Grumbling

If you opened this post or clicked onto this blog link, then you know that you need to stop grumbling. LOL! If you find yourself talking negatively about people to others or even under your breath, that’s grumbling. Again, it’s simply not a coincidence that you’re here. God knew! So let’s jump right into how to stop it…shall we? Okay…first of all the actual term in Greek means to “whisper, murmur, mutter, in muffled undertones, and to show smoldering discontentment and constant murmuring.” It’s also [...]


Getting Through the Dry Season

Sometimes in our Christian lives, there will be dry seasons. It’s that time when God seems really quiet or pretty far away. Have you ever felt that way? Or it can also be that time when you feel like your devotional time or “church going” experience is not as exciting as it used to be. It’s when you begin to think and say, “What’s happening with me?” Or “Where is God right now in my life?” A lot of times, the dry season is called [...]


Stay On Course

Are you finding that things are getting a little bit harder or that your strength to keep pressing or to keep waiting is getting a little weak? Do you ever wonder if God has forgotten you or that thing or person that you’ve been waiting on may be taking a little longer than you would like or have imagined? If so, I strongly believe God is saying, “Stay on course. I’ve still got a plan!” Meaning, don’t veer off. Don’t give up! God tells us [...]


Making Mistakes?

Tired of making mistakes? Let’s face it, they happen! And I will tell you one fact about them. You never plan on making mistakes. That’s why it’s called a mistake in the first place.  The word actually means, “to take wrongly, to understand or perceive wrongly; interpret or judge incorrectly; and an idea, answer, act, etc. that is wrong, or in error. So…have you ever made any mistakes in your life, sis? How about this…did you make any recent mistakes? If you have in the [...]

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