How to Give & Take Correction

This can be a tough one, any way you look at it. Mainly, because being corrected is not usually easy to handle. And giving it, can be even more uncomfortable (for some). However, in order to grow and become more mature in Christ, we must be corrected while also being able to correct someone else if necessary for their spiritual health. So in this week’s post, I’m going to be writing about how to give and take correction. Ready? Okay… The Bible tells us that [...]


How to Hear, “Well Done!”

We all want to hear those beautiful words someday from Jesus! I know that I do. But in order to hear those awesome words, we have to know what it requires of us. I’ll tell you, for most of us, it will take more than just reciting “The Sinner’s Prayer.” Meaning, once we get saved, that’s only the beginning. We still have work to do. Now, I’m not talking about working for salvation, because we know that it is a free gift and none of [...]


When God Prunes You

For starters, do you know what pruning means? Let me do the honors! It means to cut away or remove unnecessary parts; to remove dead or living parts from (a plant) so as to increase fruit or flower production or improve the form. Ouch! So in other words, in these last days, God wants us to be more productive, more fruitful, and He wants us to improve so that we can be more effective for His kingdom. Amen! So…long story short, it would mean that [...]


Need Strength?

Do you ever find yourself praying or crying out these words to God, “Lord, I need your strength”? I know that I have. Whether it’s been for added strength to clean up my house, work on an assignment, deal with my kids, help my husband, push through a workout, or to endure the process of training or a trial…I HAVE CALLED OUT FOR HELP AND STRENGTH! Have you? You opened this post for a reason. Pause for a second and think about why you need [...]


How to Recognize Spiritual Warfare

Listen to Blog here: How to Recognize Spiritual Warfare or keep reading on... If you are a Christian, guess what? You are going to experience spiritual warfare. Yep! And now that you know, that’s only half the battle. The next step is recognizing how to deal with it when it strikes! Whether you believe it or not, we do have a real enemy. Actually, the moment you get out of bed to move further in faith, your next assignment, a new level, or your destiny, Satan will [...]


Speak Life

Words are pretty powerful. They can either be hurtful or helpful. Ephesians 4:29 says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." (NIV) Let you words be beneficial and impactful. And Proverbs 12:18 tells us, “Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing.” (NLT) So let’s be wise women, consider our words before they cut others, and [...]


Heavenly Questions…Take the Test

Do you want to make it into heaven? You’re probably saying, “Really, Courtnaye? Of course!” Well, I do too! However, if we do, then there are some things that we must shake off in order to enter in, because sin will not dwell there. In a moment, I’ll present the test. But for now, follow me. Many years ago, after reading the Scriptures, I learned that it’s not enough just to believe in God. We have to actually obey Him and take Him at His [...]


Find Your Focus

Do you know what you’re supposed to be doing in this season of your life? My next question is, “Are you doing it?” Or are you wandering around in your mind, lost, dreaming, and unfocused? When we are unfocused, that’s usually when we begin to lose sight of what’s most important or even the task at hand. It also allows room for the enemy, Satan to play mind games on us. Time is running out. Jesus is coming back soon! That’s why it’s time for [...]


Cut GOSSIP at the Root! Read On…

Have you ever found yourself in a place where you were whispering to another person about someone or something you heard that shouldn’t have been repeated? If so, NEWSLFLASH! That’s GOSSIP. I know that can be a hard confession, but it’s good to know that about yourself, so you can overcome it. I also need to mention here that gossip can destroy the best of friends, ruin your reputation, and stain your character. It’s true! It’s like a cancer that spreads rapidly and hurts people [...]


Trusting God

I know sometimes this is not an easy thing to do, but it’s so necessary for the season you’re in. You have to know that God is for you and with you. He will never fail you. He can be trusted as He puts all the pieces together in your life. Your only job right now is to keep trusting Him. I have a piece of word art on my desk that reads, “The key to success is following God’s guidance.” What this means is [...]

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