Getting Through a Trial

I’m not sure how things are going for you right now, but if you are going through a tough time right now, don’t be surprised. In this life, every day is not going to be rosy or a beautiful sun-shiny day. You have to come to that reality, if you haven’t already done so. Because sometimes God will allow things to happen in your life that will make you say, “What happened?” Or “What is going on?” Or “Where did this come from?" And even [...]


What Happens When You Embrace Contentment

Can I ask you a question? I hope you answered a wholehearted “yes” (LOL). Okay, here goes and seriously speaking… “Do you want God’s best?” I would think that it didn’t take long at all for you to answer that question. I mean, who wouldn’t want God’s best, right? Right. Yet, I’ve discovered over the years, that in order to receive God’s best it does entail…having a heart of contentment and embracing it vs. hating it. Many of us know that being content is not [...]


Be Strong and Courageous

Have you ever had a time in your life, when you felt so afraid that you screamed inside of yourself, “I just can’t do it!” Are you there now? God knows that there will be times when you will feel afraid to move forward or do something that is totally out of your comfort zone. He knows that sometimes fear will try to paralyze you from doing that very thing that you know you should do. Yet, in spite of the apprehension, that’s when He [...]


Rise Up and BE a Woman God Can Use

I want to start this post off by saying that it’s a process. We don’t become who God wants us to be overnight. It takes time. So I want to encourage you to be patient with yourself and God’s purposes in your life. But know that He’s got a plan. And it’s GOOD! Just know that part of that plan to becoming a woman that He can use is bearing much fruit. Listen. I know that I have written on fruit (i.e. godly character) before, [...]


The Shortest Blog Post Ever!

At least as it relates to Inside Out with Courtnaye! LOL! But seriously…Thanksgiving is around the corner. I’d love to know what are you thankful to God for? (Write it in the comment section) Remember Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out! ~Courtnaye


What If You Had the Perfect Life…

Really think about this for a few minutes. Actually, when you have a moment (after reading this blog post), grab a piece of paper, a pen, and write down what the perfect life would look like for you. Just dream for a bit. And have fun with it too! Begin with these words, “If I had the perfect life I would…” Let me help you out with a few suggestions of how to accomplish this little assignment. Personally, if I had the perfect life, I [...]


When God is Silent

When God is silent, He is watching. Remember, He never slumbers or sleeps (Psalm 121:4). He sees you and hears you. He’s just up to something that you don’t quite know or understand. However, as you continue trusting Him and aiming to please Him, believe that it’s all going to work out for your good in the end (Romans 8:28). Really believe it with everything within you! Furthermore, when you feel like He’s not there, grab tightly to His word when He says that He [...]


Do You Ever Feel Too Busy?

Too busy to spend time with your kids or hubby? Too busy to clean your house? Too busy to carve a day out of your month to have lunch with a friend? Too busy to call your mom or dad to see how they are doing? Too busy to take a personal day for yourself or plan a weekend get-a-way to get refreshed? Too busy to pray or spend time in God’s word? Too busy to do what you KNOW God has called you to [...]


How to Fight Off Depression

Have you ever been in a depressed state? Are you there now? In either case, I pray that today’s post helps shed some light in this dark place. I hope I didn’t offend you by saying “this dark place,” because that’s exactly what it is my sister. Depression is a place of despair, hopelessness, deep sadness, and heaviness. But it can be demolished, if you have the right tools to fight it! Listen. When you find yourself in a state of depression, you can overcome [...]


Attack the Task Ahead of You

Have you ever had to face a task that you felt was so BIG that you felt overwhelmed just thinking about it? Are you there now? If so, I totally know what that feels like. Yet, I also know that unless you settle down and get busy on it, it simply won’t get done. When I am asked to do something that I know is according to God’s will, I feel obligated to get it done! I wake up thinking about it. And I tend [...]

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