Overcoming a Complaining Attitude

Yes! I am so glad that you clicked onto this link! If you are here right now, then you, I, and GOD (for that fact) knows that you want to be delivered and set free from this negative emotion. And that is a GREAT thing! So let’s work together to overcome a complaining attitude. The best way to start is with the Word of God. It has been my lifeline for life-change, and it will do the same for you if you apply it. Philippians [...]


How YOU Can Win Souls to Christ TODAY: A Message on Effective Witnessing

It’s time sis! I don’t know if you feel it or sense it in your spirit, but it’s time to win souls to Christ like never before. Jesus is coming back soon, and we have a role to play in advancing the Kingdom before He comes. People all around you need Jesus. Many in your community or even in your circle of family and friends (even on social media) are hurting, broken, desperate, lonely, without hope, don’t know their purpose, and feel like God doesn’t [...]


Let God Fight Your Battles

When you’re dealing with difficult situations or people, you have to learn to let go and let God. He can fight better. In the Old Testament, many of the victories that were won was because God stepped in supernaturally to fight for them. In this modern day world that we live in, and as Christian women, we are going to have to learn to get into the position of humility and allow the Lord to fight the battles for us. If you look back at [...]


Choose to Stand On God’s Word

Have you ever experienced a moment when you really needed to hear from the Lord? How about a time when you were so desperate for answers that you could literally SCREAM? Ever been there before? Well, I have. BUT…I believe it’s in those times, when the Lord really wants us to simply stand on His Word. Standing on God’s Word is a choice. It’s actually a wholehearted decision to trust Him at every turn…even when doubt tries to creep in. I just recently talked to [...]


Speak the Word Over Your Life

I believe all of us need to be reminded of this one. Unfortunately, we can get so caught up in our daily to-do-lists that we forget when a pop quiz, test, or trial comes our way, we have to be ready to conquer it! However, if we’re not trained by having our reservoir of Scriptures at hand, then it will be pretty hard to win. So that’s why we have to be ready at all times to…Speak the Word! Jesus did it! And as Christians, we [...]


Balancing Your Social Media Life

Okay, I’m pretty passionate about this one guys! For starters, I just have to say that I’ve grown to love social media. At first, I told my husband, “I am soooo not getting into that, because it seems addictive.” Well, lo and behold, I tried it, and I’ve grown to love it (as I’m sure many of you reading this love or “Like” it too)! As a result, I’ve signed up for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Periscope. And I have a [...]


Setting Up Your War Room

Have you ever seen the movie, “War Room?” I have to start there, because if you don’t, then the title alone may throw you for a loop! Well, if you don’t know, your “War Room” is really your prayer closet. Do you have one? Or do you feel like you could use it right now? Before I talk about the actual “War Room,” I have to remind you that prayer is vital for you as a growing Christian woman. It’s your direct line to God [...]


15 Ways to Study the Bible & Grow Spiritually in 2016

How are things going for you so far this year? Have you been drawing closer to God? Have you written down some goals for this year already? One more question…Did you get a chance to download my FREE January 2016 Devotional yet (FREE January 2016 Devotional...A New Year for A New You!)? If so, AWESOME! But if not, do it TODAY! It will help you achieve not only your weekly goals, but more importantly, your spiritual goals for this year. It’s time to draw nigh [...]


Download Your “FREE” 2016 Devotional TODAY!!!

*JUMP START the New Year off RIGHT! Download my FREE Devotional called, “A New Year for A New YOU!” Feel free to share it with other women you know!!! You can actually kick off a women’s Bible Study Group or Women’s Coffee Fellowship with this one! Use for personal and/or group study. Well, enough talking about it…download it here today and JUMP START the New Year off RIGHT!!! Free Download here...FREE January 2016 Devotional...A New Year for A New You! Happy New Year Ladies!!! 2016 [...]


Developing Healthy Relationships in 2016

How are things going for you in the friendship/relationship department? Would you say that you have good friends or relationships with the people around you or could you use some help? I believe that we could all use some help. So let’s get ready to kick off the New Year right! In this week’s post, I’m talking about developing healthy relationships in 2016! And guess what? It’s going to start with you! Do a self-examination of where you are in your relationships. Could things be [...]

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