Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp Went Down…What’s Really Happening?

By Inside Out with Courtnaye If you woke up on the morning of Monday, October 4, 2021 and opened up your Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp accounts, then you quickly realized that your apps weren't working. You may have thought, "Did I do something wrong?" or "Am I banned for posting a Scripture or commenting on a post?" At least me and millions of others were beginning to think these things. But what's really happening? Sure, there was a whistleblower story that released last night on 60 Minutes [...]


How to Live a Fruitful Life in Our Day

(Photo Credit: Canva) www.courtnayerichard.com In these turbulent times, it’s time for the body of Christ to shine brighter in our homes, jobs, communities, churches, and online circles like never before! The world is getting darker and darker, and the Bible forewarned us that in the last days, there would be difficult times. We’re seeing it. Would you agree? I see it. So, as Christians, in order to shine even brighter in this dark and difficult world, we’re going to need to live fruitful lives in [...]


Planning a Getaway with God

www.courtnayerichard.com Do you ever feel like you just need to get away from the demands of work, home-life chores, ministry, or your family for a bit to connect with God? I mean, be honest. You may feel this urgency or strong desire to pull away from all of the busyness to simply spend some unhurried or uninterrupted time alone with your Heavenly Father. If so, I get it! I’m there now. I am quite ready to pack up a bag and head out of town! [...]


Diving Deeper in God

www.courtnayerichard.com I want to start off by asking you a few quick questions. How is your walk with God? Are you close to Him right now or do you feel like you are drifting a bit? Do you want to dive deeper into your relationship and knowledge of God? Would you like to learn more about Scripture and how to grow in your calling? If so, let’s talk about how to dive deeper in God in this season and beyond (and I'm giving you a [...]


How to Know When God is Speaking to You

www.courtnayerichard.com Sometimes I hear people say, “I don’t know if I hear from God.” How about you? Do you ever speak those words? To the contrary, can you remember if or when the last time you heard from the Lord? Because the truth is, He does speak to us. He just speaks in a variety of different ways. In this week’s post, I’m going to share with you a few ways on how to know when God is speaking to you. Again, God speaks to us in [...]


10 Ideas for Thanksgiving During a Pandemic

www.courtnayerichard.com There is no doubt that this Thanksgiving season is different from last year. We’re dealing with the delay of a presidential election, Covid 19, natural disasters (hurricanes to be specific), racial tension, am I missing anything? Not to mention, the personal tests and trials that we go through as Christians, right? Yet, here’s the thing, sis. This Thanksgiving, we can still be grateful for who we have and what we have. Meaning, we can still be grateful that we have Jesus, family and friends [...]


Run Your Race

Guess what? God has a plan for your life. That’s right. He’s got a plan for you. So don’t look to the left or right of you. Stay focused and keep your eyes on all the God has called and entrusted to you. When you and I focus on our own individual walk with God, our family, our ministry work, and our responsibilities at home and work, we’re running ourrace, and we want to run it to the finish line, well. At the end of [...]


Enduring Unto the End

www.courtnayerichard.com I’m going to take off with this one, so buckle up for the ride, my sister. So much is happening in our world today. We have the coronavirus, riots, defunding the police, division, vaccines, contact tracing talks, the peace deal, and the presidential election brewing all at the same time. Our world is in chaos. And let’s not forget about life’s tests and trials, right? This calls for enduring faith all the way unto the end. Spiritually speaking, Jesus forewarned us that before He [...]


Getting Things Done

By Inside Out with Courtnaye For starters, I want to ask you do you volunteer, work, or serve in your local church? Do you run your own ministry or business? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I want to encourage you to keep reading, because this is the post for you dear co-laborer. I want to encourage you to get things done this week! Let me just say, I know what it’s like to have God-ordained assignments at church [...]


Spiritual Growth Ideas

www.courtnayerichard.com Where are you as it relates to your spiritual walk today? Would you say you’re on fire for the Lord or if you’re honest, maybe a little lukewarm? Would you say that you've been drawing closer to God in this season or do you feel like you’re drifting a bit due to life’s circumstances, trials, lack, or busyness? Wherever you are today, I want to share with you a few spiritual growth ideas that may help strengthen you in either case. Here goes… First, [...]

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