Overcoming Self-Condemnation

There comes a time in every one of our Christian lives, when we’ve done something or said something that we’ve regretted. Sometimes when this has happened, there’s an overwhelming sense of guilt or shame that usually turns into self-condemnation. The devil loves this! But Romans 8:1 says, “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” (NLT) Sure, we will sin and make mistakes sometimes, but when we do, we have to be careful not to stay there and keep repeating [...]


Be Better, Not Bitter

If you’re reading this right now, I would gather that you either want to know how to be better and not bitter, or you want to help someone else in this case. Whatever your position, I’m glad you’re here. Because we need to have the conversation about it. And the reason being is so that healing can begin to take place. So…are you ready? Usually, bitterness doesn’t just happen. It’s a bit of a process. It’s slow, sneaky, and it can be vicious if not [...]


Get Ready to Have a Productive Day

No matter when you open this post, it still works! Even if you’re reading this late at night (after Monday @ 7:30am), it will only get you ready for tomorrow (God willing). The point here is that you get ready to take on whatever God is calling you to do in this season of your life. So…are you ready to have a productive day? Let’s talk about it. How was devotion this morning? Did you talk to God yet? Whether you get it in the [...]


How to Recognize Spiritual Warfare

If you are a Christian woman, guess what? You are going to experience spiritual warfare. Yep! And now that you know, that’s only half the battle. The next step is recognizing how to deal with it when it strikes! Whether you believe it or not, we do have a real enemy. Actually, the moment you get out of bed to move further in faith, your next assignment, a new level, or your destiny, Satan will be right there to wage war against you, because he [...]


Study the Word for Yourself

As a Christian woman, you are instructed to read the word, speak the word, obey the word, meditate on the word, and STUDY the word for yourself. The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” When you study the word, this pleases God. And not only that, but when you share the word with others you will know what you’re saying, and you won’t be [...]


Love Keeps No Record

Have you ever heard that the people who are the closest to you can hurt you the most? Well, I believe that is true. I mean, look at what happened with Judas and Jesus. That’s living proof that it does in fact, happen. And if it occurred with our Savior, then we can definitely expect it to take place with us. So…what do you when someone you love hurts you? Do you lash out at the individual? Do you withhold your affection? Do you curl [...]


Time Management for Women

How would you say you are doing in this area? Could you use a little help? Let’s face it. As women, we are SUPER busy these days, right?! We have so many demands on us within a 24 hour period that sometimes we could literally scream! Would you agree? So honestly speaking, I would venture to say that I think we ALL could use a little or lot of extra help in this department (and I would love for you to share your time management [...]


When Someone Disagrees with You

How do you handle when someone disagrees with you about something? Especially something that you’re passionate about, or feel that you are right on. Do you respond calmly or do you get upset? I think the reality is that people are going to disagree with us sometimes for one reason or another. Yet, I believe the deciding factor is really more about how we deal with it vs. whether they agree or disagree. When it comes to disagreements, God is looking at our response to [...]


Taking Care of Your Temple REALISTICALLY

I’m going to just dive right into this post. How are doing as it relates to diet and exercise? Do you have a weekly regimen of exercise and a healthy eating pattern that you follow? Or do you dread working out and pretty much eat what you want? Let me ask one more question…please. Do you work out and eat right, but struggle with consistency? Well in either case, let’s talk about how to take care of your body in a realistic way…a way that [...]


Walking By Faith, Not By Sight

Is God calling you to step out in faith? Or has He called you in recent past to do so? If so, how does it or did it make you feel? Excited, scared, or a mix of both emotions? In either case, when God calls us to walk by faith and not by sight as 2 Corinthians 5:7 encourages, the major instruction here is that we trust Him beyond what we can see. Faith is trusting God. It’s moving forward, knowing that He’s right there [...]

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