Putting On Truth

For starters, in this week’s post, I’m not talking about the belt of truth as found in Ephesians 6:14. Although, that is a good one! However, I’m talking about putting on the truth as you go about your everyday life. Meaning, putting on the word of God and listening to it as you do life. The Bible says in Romans 10:17, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” You’ll be amazed at how much you learn, when you simply [...]


Being a Godly Example…Others Are Watching

As a professing Christian, if you don’t already know, people who are unsaved and even saved for that matter, are watching your walk with Christ. Yep! It’s true. I know…the pressure. But the reality is that they want to know, “Are you the real deal?” and “Are you someone that I can follow to lead me to Christ?” And for others’ who have been saved for quite some time but are interested in spiritual growth, they may be watching your obedience, endurance, perseverance, how you [...]


Don’t Burn Yourself Out!

Whether you’re experiencing this now or have in the past, when burnout threatens your life, you’ll know. It’s that feeling of complete exhaustion, extreme pressure, and downright overload all wrapped into one as you press to do what needs to be done. It’s like you’re driving 100 miles per hour in the fast lane, knowing that if you don’t slow down you’re going to crash and probably hurt other people in the process! So I caution you…don’t burn yourself out! I’ve been near burnout before. [...]


Personal Reflection…What Do You See?

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Think about at least 1-3 things that you might consider changing for the better if you could. As a matter of fact, when you get a free minute, pull out a sheet of paper and pen or even pull out your phone and write a quick note to yourself and do this little assignment. After you’re done with it, take a moment to reflect on it, pray about it, and start working on those [...]


How to Control Your Emotions

As women, if we’re honest with ourselves, we can be pretty emotional at times. Am I right? Okay. So, with that being said, it’s not a matter of if we’ll get emotional. Rather, it’s about how we act when our emotions seem to be out of whack. In this month’s post, I’m going to share with you some biblical and practical principles on how to control your emotions as a Christian woman. Again, it’s not a secret. We get emotional. But we have to understand [...]


Learning to Walk in Freedom

There is nothing like being free! Think about it for a moment. Reflect back to a moment in your life when you felt totally free. What did it feel like? If you’re there now, what does it feel like? I highly encourage you to write it down in your journal, so you’ll remember this feeling. Because in this life, we have to learn how to walk in freedom freely. If you are a Christian, then you know the feeling of being set free in Christ. [...]


Struggling with Procrastination?

Are you a procrastinator or do you know someone who is one? Well, lo and behold you are interacting with one right now! Yes, that would be me…Ouch! Can you spell DELIVERANCE! I want it. I need it! And anyone who is in my shoes is probably screaming, “I WANT IT TOO!” No one in their right mind wants to be a procrastinator. That’s why we have to get a handle on this, ladies. We cannot allow procrastination to beat us! I know the struggle [...]


How to Keep Your Joy Up!

No doubt, there are so many things that can try to rob us of our joy. Tough circumstances, broken relationships, struggling finances, missed deadlines or opportunities, being late for something, kid issues, marital problems, the loss of a loved one, and the list could literally go on and on. But you, my dear sister, can have joy in the midst of it all. Let’s talk about how to keep it up when trying moments hit your life. When challenging times strike, I know it’s tough [...]


Sneaky Temptations

Were you afraid to click onto this post? Did you dare to venture to see what I was going to be talking about in this week’s post as it relates to temptations? Well, I am not going to harp on food addictions in this blog. So you don’t have to be scared. Rather, I am going to write about the everyday temptations that we encounter without even realizing that it’s a temptation. The devil is very cunning, especially in these last days. And we have [...]


Before You Blow Up!

When the pressure is on, how do you respond? Do you respond sweet in your spirit, or do you respond with anger, frustration, crying, or throwing a fit or things? Do you lash out at others or become overly emotional? Or do you just get quiet and let your mind go crazy inside with evil thoughts? Last two questions… do you sometimes act out of character or just want to blow up! It’s okay to be honest. This is between you and God, and He [...]

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