Are You Believing God for Something?

If you are, then I want to kick start this post by telling you, “Don’t stop believing God for it.” When He tells you something, promises you something, or places that thing deep within your heart, no matter how long it takes, believe it, and wait for it to happen. Though it may tarry, continue to wait for it, because if He has promised it, then it will surely come to pass just like He said in Habakkuk 2:3. Your job is to keep believing Him. [...]


Responding Properly Under Pressure

By Inside Out with Courtnaye If you clicked onto this post, you’re probably shouting, “Yes! How do you do it?” Trust me. If you feel this way, I totally get it, because I’ve been where you are before, too. Actually, I wish I could’ve read a post like this years ago! But here it is, my sister. Tried and true. So let’s talk about how to respond properly under pressure. First of all, let me ask this quick question. What’s got you under [...]


How to Deal with Difficult People

Have you ever dealt with difficult people in your life before? Did they make you just want to pull your hair out or scream? Think about that for a moment. I would imagine that you probably didn’t have to go that deep in thought. Now let me ask you this question. Can you think of a few people in your life currently, that may be a little difficult to deal with right now? If so, I’ve been there before, too! I don’t know if you’ve [...]


How to Tell Your Friend the Truth

Lately, God has been showing me some pretty fresh things about friendship. One of the things I’m learning is that friends can be lifelong and seasonal. For instance, like a close friend, close sister, co-worker, friend from school, sister in Christ, mother (as an adult relationship), or even an acquaintance. However, something the Lord showed me a while ago is that no matter who they are or how long they’ve been in my life, I must have integrity with them. And this means telling them the truth, [...]


Growing Weary in Well Doing

How are you today, sis? Are you tired? Are you super busy? Do you like you're near burnout? Or are you growing a little weary in well-doing? If so, I’ve been there too. Now on the flip side, are you invigorated and refreshed right now? If so, I think that’s awesome too! But…just in case you ever get to the point when you feel like you are growing weary in well-doing, pull this blog back up…or recommend it to a friend. But for now, let’s [...]


How to Prepare for Your New Season

The summer is just about over. Moms are getting ready to put their kids back into school (that may be you this week or next week), many women are getting ready to start up a new fall semester of college, while others can sense that some form of a new season is beginning. So, how about you? What do you have going on right now? Are you about to go into a new season? If so, how are you preparing for it? I believe that [...]


5 Ways to Spend Time with God When Life Gets Busy

5 Ways to Spend Time with God When Life Gets Busy By Inside Out with Courtnaye Life gets busy! Trust me. I know it. As women, some of us have kids, housework, errands to run, dinner to cook, extracurricular activities to drive our kids to, ministry responsibilities, and tasks that need our immediate attention. For some, there may be schoolwork that needs to get done (college or online courses for seminary) or deadlines from work that need to be met on time. Nevertheless, in the [...]


Focus On the Task At Hand

I’m just going to jump right into this one! Do you have work to do today? Is there a project or God-ordained assignment that you know in your heart that needs to get done? Is there something that you really want to start or begin working on? If so, it’s time to focus on the task at hand, sis. I just went to a Christian women’s blogging conference called, Declare, and it was really awesome! In that conference, I got a ton of helpful nuggets [...]


What in the World is Happening?

A lot is happening in our world right now. You would have to be on an island with no communication in order to not see what’s happening in the world around us. There’s civil unrest with the Black Lives Matter vs. Blue Lives Matter. There’s terror attacks happening in the U.S. such as the San Bernardino in California and the Pulse night club in Orlando. And now the more recent attacks in Brussels, Nice, and now Germany. Not to mention, we’re facing an upcoming presidential [...]


Building Strong Christian Relationships

In this post, I’m going to dive right in to talk to you about how to build strong Christian relationships. I believe it’s vital that we not only have the right people around us and who support us, but that we do our part in building upon those relationships, as well. So, I hope and pray that this post helps you in some way! Here goes… Friendships – For starters, I want to tell you that a great way to build upon strong Christian relationships [...]

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