Creating a Good Schedule

Are you ready to have a great week? If so, then it will start with creating a good schedule. And it really doesn’t matter when you’re reading this particular post. Whether it’s Monday (when my blog comes out @ 7:30am on or Facebook Page) or Wednesday, the point is that God wants you to have some order to your work week. And creating a good schedule for yourself will not only help you to stay focused on the task at hand, but also help [...]


When You Feel Helpless

Have you ever been in a place where you just felt helpless? That moment when you felt like there was just nothing that you could do or say in your natural power to change things? Have you ever been there? Are you there now? Whether you feel helpless over your fiancé or husband not changing, child acting up in school or in life, your boss or leader doing something that you can’t control, or life’s just hitting you hard through a trial or tragedy, trust [...]


Finding Freedom in Confession

I’m going to talk about something today that might be a little tough for some, but I believe that in the end, you’ll understand the purpose for this post. It’s about confession. Now, for some, this action step may be easy. Yet, for others it may be downright gut-wrenching (mainly, because it’s very humbling and revealing). In any case, if you do it, I believe you’ll discover that confession actually brings freedom. Straight up…confession begins when we open our mouths. It’s about admitting where we truly are with [...]


Watch Out for Distractions

There is no doubt about it! Distractions will come. As you are walking out your purpose or even preparing for it, they will be there. It comes with the “purpose” package. There will always be something or someone trying to get in the way to get you off track, off focus, or off the intended goal. But don’t let it or them, sis. Instead, watch out for distractions! Jesus experienced it when He was tempted three times to do something other than what the Father [...]


Helping Others When Life is Tough for You

Considering the title of this post, have you ever asked yourself the question, “How can I help someone else when my own life is tough?” I would say that many people have, including me. I’ve been there before, when my life was flipped upside down, but yet I still needed to sing on the praise team, lead the young adults group, do women’s prison ministry, and be a loving wife and mother at home….even though life was tough for me. I get it, sis. You [...]


Before You Send THAT Text

Have you ever been in a situation when you received a text message, and you were like, “WHAT?!” At least, that’s what you thought in your mind, right? Or how about that text that comes through as if someone is demanding something from you or asking you to do something that you just don’t want to say a wholehearted smiley-face, “Yes!” towards? Well, before you send them how you really feel, pause and consider before you send THAT text! You know what text I’m talking [...]


Journal It

Do you have a journal? If you do, then I think that is GREAT! However, if you don’t have one, then I would highly suggest that you get one…TODAY! Either way, the reason being is because I want to encourage you that journaling can be very helpful when it comes down to so many things (which I’m going to talk about in just a sec). But the initial point here is that whatever’s going on in your world, guess what? You can journal it! It’s [...]


How to Take Correction Better

Let me start by saying, “Ouch!” on this one! Okay…now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, we can proceed. As you can see, I’ll be talking about the growing pain of correction. You’ll discover why I call it the growing pain in just a few moments. But without further delay, let’s begin our written chat on “How to Take Correction Better.” No doubt, this is a tough one. Wouldn’t you agree? I mean, who loves to be corrected? Most of us like to [...]


Let God Fight for You

Tired of fighting a battle that you feel like you can’t win? Exhausted from screaming, fussing about it, or being upset, fearful, or worried about things that you feel like is totally out of your control? Let me ask you one more question. Have you ever heard that your weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds? Well, it’s true. Second Corinthians 10:4 tells us so. Listen sis. As you press to live right and do what [...]


Being a Wise Woman in a Wild World

Would you agree that we’re living in a wild world? I mean, so much is happening in the world around us today. As each new day dawns, we’re hearing and seeing so much more negativity, violence, and sexual immorality on TV, social media, in our communities, and beyond…that it’s totally mind-boggling! And unfortunately, many are beginning to lose sight of who they are and where they are in time, and where we really need to be as we walk out our Christian walk with God. [...]

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