This Mother’s Day

(Photo Credit Victoria Steelman Images) How would you like to spend it? Because it’s just around the corner! Soooo…would you like to spend this Mother’s Day having fun or relaxing? Reminiscing and reflecting back? Or spending time with your family or alone? Think about it. Wherever or however, if you’re a mother, it’s your day! So plan it well and with joy no matter what. Personally, I love spending time with my kiddos on Mother's Day. Every now and then I like to go somewhere [...]


Devotion is Calling You…Pick Up

Do you have a regular devotion time? You know, a moment when you set aside time to spend with God alone in His word?  The reason I’m asking is because, I believe that this is a very important component to incorporate in your Christian life. We all need it. Actually, I have to have it! I love getting up in the morning and enjoying a nice hot cup of French Vanilla coffee with my journal, Bible, a few books, and my laptop. Sometimes, I even [...]


When Plans Fail

It’s quite normal to shout, “WHAT! But God?” Trust me. I get it! I’ve totally been there. And by the looks of it, you’re either here now or want to know more about how to get over it when your plans fail. For starters, when this happens, I know it can be pretty disappointing, disheartening, or even downright humiliating. It may even be devastating! Again, I know all about it. Yet, I have also learned over the years that when our plans fail, it’s often [...]


10 Life-Changing Blog Posts with Study Guide…

Hey there my sister! I've attached my FREE ebook compiled of 10 Life-Changing Blog posts with a Study Guide! It's entitled, "The Influence of a Changed Woman." It's amazing what you will be able to do to advance the Kingdom of heaven and change the world around you, when you grow spiritually. And by now, you should know that it's all about helping women grow in their walk here on Inside Out with grow! This FREE downloadable ebook (PDF format for you) can be [...]


Becoming a Good Leader

Do you believe in your heart that God is calling you to be a leader? Whether it’s at work, in your community, or in ministry, do you feel that tug? Some of you reading this may already be in a leadership position, but I believe there’s always room for growth…especially spiritually. Wherever you are at this point in the process, I believe that God has placed this post on my heart to share these helpful nuggets with you as He makes you into the leader [...]


God Loves YOU!

Did you just need to hear that today? Because He does. Sometimes you just need to be reminded of it by hearing it or seeing it. Listen, sis. It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday, last month, or last year (even today), He loves you. The Bible tells us in Romans 8:38-39, “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers [...]


Need Direction?

I believe if you clicked onto this post, you either need direction right now or you want to help someone else who needs it. Wherever you are on this topic, I pray that this post helps you or that individual. With that being said, I’m going to dive straight into this one, because you need answers. I totally get it! So here’s my advice to you as you read this: Pray today – I can’t stress this enough. If you need direction or answers, the [...]


Feeling Blocked?

For starters, I’m not talking about being blocked from someone on Facebook or Instagram. However, if you are feeling blocked in that way, shake it off, my sister. Don’t even worry about it. Keep moving forward, instead. Don’t let that blockage be a hindrance to all that God is doing in your life. Forgive and move on. Amen! Okay, now for the real reason that this post is being written this week. It’s actually a bit of a blast from the past, because initially I [...]


Lord, Help Me to Be Patient with People!

Are you struggling with being patient with people right now? Are you becoming more edgy or impatient in fast food lines, grocery stores, the bank, or with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, leaders and/or boss, or fellow church members? Again, are you struggling just a tiny bit or a whole lot in this department? You know…that moment in your life when you want to shout, “Lord, help me to be patient with people, please!” Ever been there? I’ve totally been there! Oh my goodness, have I [...]


Need Mercy?

Have you ever been in a situation when you knew you had done something so wrong, that you also knew that you needed immediate forgiveness and mercy? Are you there now? If so, let’s talk about it. First of all, before we move further, can I ask why do you need mercy? What did you say or do that caused or is causing you to need it? Really think about that why? Are you afraid of the consequences or judgment? Are you hurt or remorseful [...]

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