The Influence of a Godly Woman

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Have you ever thought about how important you are to those around you as a Christian woman? Because you are! God chose you, adopted you into the faith, and created you to be His child – His precious daughter. He also created and called you to be a beacon of light to a dying world for Him and to be a godly influence and impact to those He has entrusted to you in your lifespan. In a nutshell, [...]


When You Need a Professional Counselor

Have you ever felt like you needed to talk to someone other than your spouse, circle of friends, mentor, leaders in the church, etc.? And don’t get me wrong! They are all fine and dandy to talk to. I personally love all of my confidants. But what I’m asking is have you ever felt like you needed to talk to someone who did not know you. Yet, who could help you get moving in the right direction both spiritually and naturally (without the whole world [...]


Getting a Handle on Anger

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I’m going to start this post by saying that everyone gets angry at some point in time or another. It’s inevitable. It happens. It’s a natural emotion that God created us with. And it can come in many forms such as getting angry with your kids for misbehaving or becoming disrespectful to your husband, not responding the way you would like, being upset with your boss or leader not giving you the promotion, from someone hurting you or [...]


In a Battle?

Are you in a battle, sis? What's going on? I want to tell you that the struggle is real! I know. But guess what? The Bible tells us that our fellow Christian brothers and sisters are going through the same struggles all around the world. First Peter 5:8-9 says, "Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian [...]


How to Deal with a World in Crisis

There is no doubt that we are currently facing some dire and dark days for everyone. No one is exempt contrary to popular belief. If you’ve noticed or have been watching the news (at the time of this post), Hurricane Harvey hit the coast and devastated parts of Texas such as Houston, Beaumont, Rockport, Corpus Christi, and surrounding areas, and now Florida (my heart, prayers, and assistance goes out to them as I know what it’s like to live through a major hurricane disaster – [...]


How to Get Rid of a Mental Attack QUICKLY

When you are all of sudden bombarded with unwanted, disturbing, evil, or immoral thoughts, you actually have the power to quench those thoughts quickly. You can simply say, “No, I will not entertain this thought.” So whether you’re at work, church, driving your car, home washing dishes, at a coffee shop in a daze, or standing in front of someone talking, thinking about something you shouldn’t be thinking of doing or saying, you can get rid of that mental attack quicker than you think. You [...]


Don’t Know What to Do?

Let God light up the way. He wants to help you…through the direction of His Word. God’s Word is what will show you His perfect plan for your life. I know that might seem like, “Duh Courtnaye!” But really listen to what’s being said here. Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” What it reveals is that when we run to God’s Word and open it up, the Holy Spirit literally illuminates it and then [...]


Starting a Small Group

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Judging from the title, and the fact that you either saw this post or clicked onto it, I would guess that you’re interested in starting a small group or know someone who is considering it. In either case, I don’t think that you (or the person you’re thinking about forwarding it to) will be reading this post today by chance. In fact, I believe God has you on His heart and mind to consider starting up a small [...]


Working Together in the Body of Christ

I want to start this post by asking you a question. Do you know your place in the body of Christ? Meaning, where you’re called to serve? If your answer is no, then I urge you to pray and ask God to show you where to serve, who to serve, and how to serve well. And if you know your place, then I’ll ask you this. Are you flowing in it or are you stagnated? These are essential questions for today’s time, because Jesus is [...]


Taking Care of Your First Ministry

What I mean by this title is taking care of your home life as you grind, hustle, work, do ministry, or lead others and yourself to accomplish intended goals and God’s will. Trust me. I totally understand that you’ve got things to do. I get it! However, I also know that if you have children, a husband, or housework that needs attending to, sis, you’ve got to get to them and it, too! ;-) The reason I know this so well, is because my husband [...]

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