FREE Vision Kit for 2018

Well, my sisters, it’s a brand new year!!! Praise God! My New Year’s Gift to you is my signature Vision Kit! I pray that it helps you in setting some reachable goals and a good strategy to help you draw closer to God in 2018! God is calling you and me to continue growing deeper in our walk and relationship with Him. So with that being said, I’m gearing up to bring you new blog posts,  teaching videos, apparel, and brand new life-changing articles by [...]


This Christmas

Christmas is around the corner. Many across the globe are shopping for last minute gifts, thinking about what they’re going to cook, and some are even planning on visiting family for the holiday. Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year! Woohoo! With all that being said, this Christmas, I encourage you to… Enjoy every bit of spending that quality time with your family and friends Make it an opportunity for joy and peace Embrace the fellowship Laugh, eat, play games and open up great [...]


Working Through Frustration

If you clicked onto this post, then you’re probably trying to figure out how to work through your frustration. Are you there now? Or are you just trying to prepare for when you are or maybe trying to help someone else? Wherever you are on the subject, let’s talk about how to work through it, so that you can begin moving forward again. Ready? Okay, so for starters, what are you frustrated about? Are you working on a project that’s got you in a tailspin? [...]


Controlling Your Tongue

I would venture to say that this is not an easy thing to do, right? I mean, this can be tough for anyone, especially when you’re hurt, angry, offended, or just have something that you deem necessary to say. Yet, God wants us to control our tongues, especially in moments as I just described. So, let’s talk about how to control this unruly part of our mouths in this week’s post. Now, before I get started. I want to warn you to brace yourself, because [...]


10 Tips On Taking Care of Yourself

I’d like to start this post by asking, “When was the last time that you took time out for yourself?” Because no doubt, most of us lead very busy lives. We’re busy taking care of the house (or apartment), cooking, planning, studying, working, taking care of the hubby and/or kiddos, and so much more, right?! Yet, where is the time for you? I mean, just about everyone is busy, including me. I get it, totally. BUT…I know how to slow down and take a bite [...]


A Heart of Contentment

Can I ask you a question? Do you want God’s best? I would think that it didn’t take long at all for you to answer that question. I mean, who wouldn’t want God’s best, right? Right. Yet, I’ve discovered over the years, that in order to receive God’s best it does entail…a sign of surrender with a heart of contentment. Many of us know that being content is not easy, especially when we have a desire for more. For example, there’s a desire for more [...]


When People Are Cold to You

Have you ever encountered a person who was just plain rude, mean, cold, or distant towards you and you didn’t quite know why? If so, how did you handle that type of behavior? Are you dealing with it now? If it's happened to you, know that you are totally not alone, sister! The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:9, “Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.” That’s right! Suffering – [...]


Preparing For a Trial

What a way to title a post, right? I mean, who wants to prepare to go through hardships in life? Who wants to deal with that? I get it, sis. Nobody does – including me. But the truth is…we will go through trials in this life. We were never promised a flowerbed of ease on this earth. Instead, Jesus prepared us in advance (before He ascended into heaven) in John 16:33 saying, “…Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, [...]


Steps Toward Your Purpose

I was recently a part of a women’s conference (She Will Conference), and one of my fellow sisters in Christ spoke on a lot of “P” words. It was truly awesome! And I say that to say, that even though this was not intended, I can’t help but have a bunch of “P” words coming out of me as I prepare to write this week’s blog post! LOL! So as you read this write-up, I can’t help but talk about the process of prayer, patience, [...]


Need Wisdom?

Where are you today? Are you working on a project or dealing with a particular issue where you need to know exactly what to do? Are you in need of direction or clear answers? If so, then I believe what you need is wisdom. The Lord has really been laying it upon my heart for some time now to write about “wisdom.” The reason being is because it’s so important to have it before we step out to do anything, really. It’s just that serious, [...]

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