*JUMP START the New Year off RIGHT!
Download my FREE Devotional called, “A New Year for A New YOU!”
Feel free to share it with other women you know!!! You can actually kick off a women’s Bible Study Group or Women’s Coffee Fellowship with this one! Use for personal and/or group study. Well, enough talking about it…download it here today and JUMP START the New Year off RIGHT!!!
Free Download here...FREE January 2016 Devotional...A New Year for A New You!
Happy New Year Ladies!!! 2016 is going to be AWESOME! Believe it by faith!
Your Sister in Christ…Courtnaye

Courtnaye Richard is the founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in Christ, while equipping them for their calling. She is an author, contributing writer for ibelieve.com and YouVersion. Her speaking appearances include She Speaks, Hope*Writers Tuesday Teaching, FlourishWriters, Inspire Christian Writers Conference at Mount Hermon, and Entrusted Women’s Conference. Courtnaye is also the founder of Inside Out Media Group, LLC - a faith-based PR, Marketing & Mentorship Agency. In her 15 years of experience, she has worked with platforms such as PBS, CBN, TCT, Yahoo, including local television and print publications. In addition, her blog, Inside Out with Courtnaye reaches thousands of women across the globe!
Download it today!