Journal It, Sister!

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I’m going to kick this post off by asking, do you journal? The phrase journal writing is described as the process of recording personal insights, reflections and questions or personal topics. As Christian women, I would add that it’s a great way to write out your thoughts, ideas, pour out your heart to God, what’s going on in your personal life, and prayers. It’s a just another way to express your thoughts privately between you and Him. Personally, I LOVE [...]

Believing What God Says

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I don’t know where you are on this topic, but if you clicked onto it, it’s either because you need someone to tell you to believe what God says or maybe it’s because you want to encourage someone else with this message. In either case, it’s okay. I just felt led by the Holy Spirit to tell you to believe what God says about you and about what He’s called you to do. Sometimes you just need the [...]

What Needs to Come Off of Your Plate?

  By Inside Out with Courtnaye Have you ever felt like you just had too much on your plate? Too many things on the To-Do-List, too many errands to run in one day, too many commitments, too many responsibilities, too many people pulling on you, too many yes(s)? If you have, then I totally get you, sis! Because I have definitely been there. That’s when I had to get to a place in my life where I said, “Some things have got to [...]

Pressing Beyond Your Feelings

By Inside Out with Courtnaye No doubt, feelings are real. We’re human, so things that happen to us in life, in our hearts and minds are a reality. And sometimes it’s hard to press pass our feelings when we’re hurt, discouraged, mistreated, or just don’t feel like doing something. Well, in this week’s post, I’m going to share with you how to press beyond your feelings when you feel stuck in them, but want a way out. For starters, I would suggest going [...]

Overcoming Fear of Failure

By Inside Out with Courtnaye If you clicked onto this post, my first question to you is what are you afraid of, sis? Is it fear of failure for a test? Is it fear of failure in a relationship or with your children? Or maybe it’s fear of failure with a new ministry or business venture? What are you facing that is causing you to be afraid of failing? The root word of “fail” actually means to be unsuccessful in achieving one’s goal, [...]

Trusting God When Things Are Uncertain

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I can admit that trusting God is not always as simple as it seems when things are uncertain (especially when you’re staring the problem right in the face and you can’t see your way clearly through). I know, because I’ve been there so many times. I’ve been there in marriage. I’ve been there with my children. I’ve been there in finances. I’ve been there with life’s circumstances. Are you there now, sis? Are you facing uncertainty right now? [...]

Managing Marriage and Ministry

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I’m going to start this post by saying that managing marriage and ministry is NOT easy. Yet, it can be done. Personally, I’ve been married for nearly 16 years and been saved and active in ministry for over 20 years. So, I know from experience that this can be done. However, no matter how long we’ve been married and in ministry, for you and me, it’s still going to take prayer, personal discipline, love, and respect to manage [...]

Managing Motherhood and Ministry

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I get asked this question often enough, “Courtnaye, how do you balance it all?” To be honest, it’s not easy managing motherhood and blogging, writing books, singing, speaking, and coaching (which are all a part of my ministry work). Like many women, sometimes I get really overwhelmed and want to throw up my hands, cry, or take a long ride or extremely long shower. But I will tell you, I love what I do! It’s the joy of [...]

When Fear Grips You

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I want to start this post off by saying, God is with you. He promises in His word that He will never leave you nor forsake you. And remember Jesus’ words before He ascended into heaven, “For I will be with you always, even unto the end of the age.” So, no matter what you’re thinking about or experiencing right now, when fear grips you, remember these promises, my sister. From personal experience, knowing this helps me to settle [...]

10 Ways to Help the Poor & Needy this Year

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Whatever year that you’re reading this, I promise you, it’s on time. I believe God is calling you and I to pause, pray, and act upon ways to help the poor and needy this year. And I know life gets busy, sis. Trust me. I know. But people in our world who are lost, alone, hungry, homeless, and without the basic needs of the day simply need to know that someone out there, cares about their well-being. And as [...]

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