Balancing Your Social Media Life

Okay, I’m pretty passionate about this one guys! For starters, I just have to say that I’ve grown to love social media. At first, I told my husband, “I am soooo not getting into that, because it seems addictive.” Well, lo and behold, I tried it, and I’ve grown to love it (as I’m sure many of you reading this love or “Like” it too)! As a result, I’ve signed up for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Periscope. And I have a [...]

Getting Through a Trial

I’m not sure how things are going for you right now, but if you are going through a tough time right now, don’t be surprised. In this life, every day is not going to be rosy or a beautiful sun-shiny day. You have to come to that reality, if you haven’t already done so. Because sometimes God will allow things to happen in your life that will make you say, “What happened?” Or “What is going on?” Or “Where did this come from?" And even [...]

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