In this post, I’m going to dive right in to talk to you about how to build strong Christian relationships. I believe it’s vital that we not only have the right people around us and who support us, but that we do our part in building upon those relationships, as well. So, I hope and pray that this post helps you in some way! Here goes…

  • Friendships – For starters, I want to tell you that a great way to build upon strong Christian relationships is to choose the right friends…godly ones! You want to make sure that you have the right friends around you. Meaning, not gossips, slanderers, those who are constantly causing strife, or just plain negative. Instead, you want to surround yourself with friends who will build you up and not tear you down. Those who will have a positive influence on you to do better, encourage you to become who God has called you to be, and who will not be afraid to tell you the truth, even if it may hurt. That’s a true friend. And that’s the type of friend that you should be as well. Proverbs 27:6 says, “Wounds from a friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.” And Proverbs 27:9 says, “The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.” (NLT)

Personally, I LOVE a good fellowship! I love shopping, going out to eat, going to see a good Christian film, dinner parties, having a good chat, you name it…with my friends! As friends, we encourage and help each other in times of need…even if there’s a need for hard truth on either side. And when I’m in grind mode with work, they understand that I need to focus and they don’t take it personal. So…spending this quality time together not only helps build my relationships, but also creates that healthy balance that makes the bond even stronger. And it can do the same for you!

I will also add that if you have friends that are NOT edifying your life or who are not living a godly life, pray for them, but listen to God’s direction for release. The reason I’m saying this is because the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:33, “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.”(NIV) Believe it or not, but the type of friends you have around you will have more of an impact than you know (also read 1 Peter 4:4-5). This is a biblical principle, so be wise with your friendships!

  • Marriage – There are so many ways to build a stronger marriage, but I will say that it will start with you. No matter where you are as it relates to this segment (married or waiting on your godly husband), this is the starting point. The reason I say that is because a lot of times in our relationships, we want the other person to do right or change in certain areas, but a lot of the time, God is working on us.

I remember hearing a song and the words were, “The change I want to see, must first begin with me. I surrender. So your world can be changed.” God wants to change the world through us, even as wives (and wives-to-be). And through a good marriage relationship, you can be a light to others in so many ways! With that being said, to build a stronger marriage relationship it will take surrender on your part. *Surrendering your right to be right sometimes for the sake of peace. It will take you being more respectful to your husband (or fiancé), if you struggle in this area. It will take guarding your heart and your mouth. Ephesians 5:33 tells us, “…each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” (NLT)

I will also remind you that you were created to be his help meet. That’s right! To help him. Meaning if he needs you to iron his clothes, have a hot plate of dinner on the table when he’s ready to eat, help him prepare for an important business meeting or event (like I do), or rub his back due to a long hard day…do it sis! And take initiative and plan that surprise weekend getaway (if you’re married) ;-), or island adventure in your house (take him to Jamaica in your bedroom with the blue light, coconuts, sea shells, beach towels, wave music, and all). That was a quick tip! 😉 But you know what I mean. Make it stronger!

Lastly, I will say that YOU are his greatest prayer warrior. Pray for your king! Our hubbies and hubbies-to-be need prayer. So if we have to get on our knees or walk the living room floor for him, let’s do it. There’s power in a praying woman. And pray together. This will help make your marriage relationship grow even stronger. But also pray for him specifically. Pray for his struggles, successes, the financial burden, his temptations, fears, protection, health, integrity, weaknesses, his faith, obedience, and future. I lift my husband up almost daily in prayer. Again, you are his wife (or wife-to-be), so pray for him. He needs it and you!

  • Motherhood – If you are a mother, then I can’t express enough how important you are to your child or children. I believe one of the keys to building strong relationships with your child or children is to center their lives around the Lord. The Bible tells us to, “Train them up in the way that they should go.” (Proverbs 22:6) Teach them how to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and build upon that through going to church, devotion, and prayer with them. No matter the age, you can do this. It’s never too late to do this.

I like to take what I call, “Love Breaks” with my kids. Right now, my oldest son is 18, daughter 12, and youngest son is 9 1/2, and I make time to build my relationship with them in various ways. A few ways are through devotion (sometimes a different one for my daughter), pray with them and for them, have a praise party (pump the music up…woohoo!), hug and kiss them randomly, snuggle up with them to watch a good movie, take them to the mall or for a FUN DAY on the town (they love that), or just talk. I have bonding moments with them. And I highly recommend this too. So minimize the regrets and spend that quality time with your kid or kids. When it’s all said and done, you’ll be glad you did invest in them spiritually.

I could literally go on and on, because there are so many relationships in our lives. There are work or ministry related relationships, mentor/mentee relationships, parental and children relationships, and so on. However, I could only focus on these three points for now. However, if you have questions about any of these areas or others, feel absolutely free to leave a comment or email me directly @ and we can talk about it! Amen! I pray this has ministered to you in some way! In the meantime…go build upon those relationships and make them stronger. Love you sis!

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!


I'd love to hear from you! Let me know how this post has ministered or helped you in any way and how things are going for you as it relates to this topic. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Also, my NEW book is scheduled for release on September 1st!!!! It’s entitled, “IDENTIFIED: Knowing Who You Are in Christ & Moving Forward in Your Purpose!” I’m pumped and I want you to GRAB it! PRE-BUY it today @! And share, share, share (tell other women too!). Thanks sis!

Promotional September 1st

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